Talking About Self

      Hello This is English night program.Yudi introduces his family to Mr.Johan, his english teacher.This is their initial meeting.What would Yudi probably say? How would Mr. Tantowi, Yudi's father , greet Mr.Johan? How would Mr.Johan respond? You will learn how to ask for and provide information about a person's indentity, learn about famili members, subjective, objective and possesive prounouns. Please read the explanations thoroughly and remember the expressions and materials you have learned.
So,in this materials i will share more lesson about "Talking About Self'"

 Are you ready for it? Let's do.

A. Supporting Features

    a. Short functional texts
1.E-mail and Letters
     An E-mail is occasionally shorter than a letter and more practical. For example, in a letter there should be  the address of the letters sender ( on the top right ), but in an e-mail, we only need the mention the recipient's e-mail address. Besides, we don't need to mention the  date in an e-mail, becaue it's automatically programmed. Additionally, a letter takes a few days to reach the recipient, while an e-mail is immediately received by the recipient.
      There are similarities between e-mails and letter. In composing either, we use :
~Salutation, such as : Dear Fitria, Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Dear Uncle Guntur,
~The body of an e-mail/ a letter,
~Signature/closing, such as : Kind regards, Best regards, Love, Lots of love, Yours sincerely, Yours    faithfully.

2.Possesive pronouns
      Pay attention to the words in bold in the sentences '' I know, yours are much better than ours.''
The words in a bold are possesive pronouns.

The following are possesive pronouns and the examples.
Subject pronoun
Possesive Pronoun
This is not my book, Mine has a hard cover.
Is the dictionary yours?
Beno likes keeping pets. The cute little cat is his.
Ira has many dools. The long haired ine is also hers.
This big, clean and green school is ours.
The children always keep theirs on the shelves.
Practice make perfect.

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